A Special Place

by A.B. Wilson Jr.

I know a place that is very special.

It is a place where all things are good.

A place to think positive thoughts.

A place where you can be what ever you want.

This place is filled with tranquality.

There is strength and power.

This place embodies a true sense of individualism.

It is a place where you have a real sense of self-control.

A place where you can be yourself.

A place where you can take a firm hold on reality.

A place where your imagination can run wild and be free.

A place where you can have a real sense of inner peace.

It is a place where all things are always possible.

A place where all negative things cease to exist.

You have a feeling of freedom.

It is a place where all your hopes and dreams can be fufilled.

It is a place where you are protected from ignorance and stupidity.

It is a place where I want to be.

A Special Place by A.B. Wilson Jr.

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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