The Shining Light

by A.B. Wilson Jr.

There was a shining light.

A powerful light the beamed very bright.

It glitterd like pure gold.

It protected us from the cold.

The light shines on every place.

It gave out the energy to win the race.

It brought fourth all thing and made it clear.

Many saw and many more could really hear.

The shining light made things better for all.

It made so many feel very tall.

It opened many hearts to a positive feeling.

That made is possible to start the healing.

The shining light paved a way glory.

It created a wonderful story.

It made all thing easy to understand.

Now this could be a special land.

The Shining Light by A.B. Wilson Jr.

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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