Shades and Sizes

by A.B. Wilson Jr.

I see you.

You are wonderful.

You are special.

You are special in your own way.

I know you have greatness within you.

You move with grace.

You stand erect.

You are so smart.

You speak so eloquently.

I always like to speak to you.

Being in your presence is something special.

You have a strength that is easy to see.

I call you my friend.

I see you have so many gifts.

I know how you look.

It doesn't matter.

All people come in various shades and sizes.

I can't see your shade and size.

I see a fellow human being.

You help me to find strength.

I see who you are.

You look fine to me.

I say you should be proud of yourself.

You have dignity.

You have a beautiful spirit.

The good Lord made us a shade and a size.

What God made is wonderful.

Shades and Sizes by A.B. Wilson Jr.

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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