I see you.
You are wonderful.
You are special.
You are special in your own way.
I know you have greatness within you.
You move with grace.
You stand erect.
You are so smart.
You speak so eloquently.
I always like to speak to you.
Being in your presence is something special.
You have a strength that is easy to see.
I call you my friend.
I see you have so many gifts.
I know how you look.
It doesn't matter.
All people come in various shades and sizes.
I can't see your shade and size.
I see a fellow human being.
You help me to find strength.
I see who you are.
You look fine to me.
I say you should be proud of yourself.
You have dignity.
You have a beautiful spirit.
The good Lord made us a shade and a size.
What God made is wonderful.