From Kings and Queens

by A.B. Wilson Jr.

My brothers and sister.

We are descendents of kings and queens.

We should be proud.

We should stand tall.

There should be dignity and strength.

A strong desire to learn and achieve.

Some stumble and fall.

Some let the enemy put us down.

Some degrade themselves by hurting each other.

There are those brothers dressed like fools.

Trousers hanging from their rear end.

Sisters dress with all their body parts exposed.

Vulgar words uttered so often.

Where is the pride.

Where is the self-respect.

Be yourself.

Be a proud Black brother or Black sister.

There is pride and glory in our heritage.

There isn't room for laziness and disgrace.

Pull up the trousers my brothers.

Cover your beauty my sisters.

Build your spirit.

Let your strength be clear.

Live with all positives.

Leave the negatives out of sight.

Stop the violence and stop the drugs.

Respect yourself and each other.

Build and prosper.

Display a dignity.

A dignity worthy of descendents of kings and queens.

From Kings and Queens by A.B. Wilson Jr.

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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