Muhammad Ali - Still A Hero

by A.B. Wilson Jr.

My all time hero is Muhammad Ali. He was my hero in the 1960s and 1970s. He still remains my hero today. He has always set a tone for Black America with his courage, his words, and his dignity. When Ali talks people listened 30 years ago and we still listen today. He was not only the greatest boxer ever, but is a great human being. Ali is a hero is the truest sense of the word. His greatness showed when he spoke up to comfort America after the terrorist acts on 9/11/2001. Ali helped to comfort many people all over this country. He spoke out recently about the kidnapping of an American reporter in Pakistan. Ali has always been a voice of reason in the country. He has been an inspiration to me and to Black America. Ali is my hero because he always had the courage of his own beliefs and never has wavered from his convictions. He stood up to a racist Government in the 1960s and won. Even his harshest critics have to give him credit. While many of his contemparies of the 1960s and 1970s have faded out of the spotlight, Ali still stands tall as a shining hero and icon. He may "Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee" and he doesn't boast about his greatness like he did in the 1960s and 1970s. He doesn't need to talk. His presence is enough to exude greatness.

Ali turned 60 years old last month and was honored on National television on his birthday and was honored by people as the athlete of the 20th century. He gets my vote as the athlete of century. Ali is a hero for the ages.

He has come full circle from a young man who white America tried to destroy in the 1960s to a truly honored American. Ali proved he was right all along. He will always the be the greatest. Will Smith in the movie depicts the champ very good, but I know the Ali. I lived through the fights and his standing up for his religion. I was inspired by his courage. I remember the interviews with the late Howard Cosell. Ali more than any other person made me proud to be a young Black kid. The movie brought back some wonderful memories. Today he makes me proud to be a Black man. Ali is the Greatest of All Time and forever.

Muhammad Ali - Still A Hero by A.B. Wilson Jr.

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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