
by Abbia Udofia

Since love has been won and lost and delivered adeptly,
Recall O heart, the silence of fallen flowers.
Since love like wine glass has fallen and lies in splinters
Recall O heart, the sharp edges of this black aftermath.
Given that jubilant stars have danced on comet platforms, 
Making boisterous displays of their victory,
Recall O heart, the murmuring in dispossessed  hearts.
Given that silent stars hold their faces and contort in agony, 
Recall O heart, the sermons and songs of Solomon.
Love like dry leaf is hanging on the sky’s brows; behind
The clouds a fervent appeal for air, sunlight.
The earth watches arms-folded, head waving in disbelief.
Discharged roses are biting their bloodied fingers 
Cursing, counting their errors.
Elsewhere the cackling laughters of eloping shadows,
Breaking walls of the deserted.
Elsewhere the cold wind crosses the abandoned
With cold arms, their sighs like the windmill of the gods.
First flowers and whispers wither at the penumbra of parting
Hearts and souls melt and freeze and melt..
Recall O heart, the stars their promises and fickleness,
Recall others their heightened hopes and distress.

Recall by Abbia Udofia

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