Graffiti on the Walls of a Deserted Nunnery

by abbya

Men keep yourselves unburden.
Women keep yourselves golden.
Love stay innocent as Eden

We grope for love
like drunk men in a dark room
seeking the door knob,
we beg for love 
like prisoners in a dungeon
yearning for light,
we scamper like refugees
to love’s fences tirelessly
but are too weak, frightened
to jump over;
sensing our indecision
love flies off
leaving us to our diligent dishonesties.

Men keep yourselves as women.
Women keep yourselves as men.
Love stay innocent as Eden.

Graffiti on the Walls of a Deserted Nunnery by abbya

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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