Aaron B. Jackson

Aaron B. Jackson is a poet and writer. His poems have appeared in multiple publications including The Bark Magazine, Instigatorzine, Fat City Review and Runaway Parade. His work is also in many anthologies including Like One: Poems for Boston, Seeing Past Sickness, and works from Kattywompus Press and Cloud City Press. He is the former Poet Laureate of Jersey City, NJ (2005-06) and has twice been the recipient of grants from the Puffin Foundation. As a performer he has written and starred in an ad campaign for the Partnership for a Drug Free America and he also served as one of three poetry fellowship judges for the Connecticut Office of the Arts in 2013. For more information please visit middlepoet.com.

You can contact Mr. Jackson via e-mail at middlepoet@gmail.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Aaron B. Jackson


Dirty Fingernails

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