Whispers In The Night

by 144Play

Listening to sweet melodies, just trying to relax
After a long day of stressful situations
Wishing your body was close to me this day
Thoughts drifting; slipping; slowly I melt away
Breathing slows as I inhale your scented skin
Caressing every inch of your body with my mind’s eye
Willing to give the world for your presence
Looking for that everlasting love essence
Searching from here to eternity
To hold you in these warm loving arms
As I please you
Kissing those sweet tender lips
To the sounds of joy
Placing you under 144PLAY’s spell
to satisfy you all night long
Touching your soul with my PLAY toy
Falling deeper
Those were the Whisper’s traveling in the night
ZZZ zzz ZZZ zzz

Whispers In The Night by 144Play

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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