
by 144Play

In search of that perfect mate 
Physical chemistry clouding my thought process
I pray that I have found that someone special, knowing
Caught selling myself short again
Wasting precious time searching for romance, blowing 
The sands of time not listening to friends
Visualizing eternal happiness

We settle for whom we think will be perfect
Holding onto dreams of love
Knowing that he/she fits the mold of another mistake
Only to continue on the search that we speak of
Don’t deny the destiny that you are searching for

How will you know when you’ve made the right choice
When the sun shines even in the rain
When there is giddiness in your voice
When there is no more mental/physical pain
When your life feels complete with your mate
Arguments are far and in between
Upon meeting him/her your heart palpates
Your eyes sparkle and gleam
Take your time and don’t settle for less
And that special person will walk into your life
They may not be slim and trim
But may be free of strife

This mental and physical test
Open your eyes and heart 
Eliminate and prevent falling for the pest
Perfect love is blind
Just free up your mind
Bearing the trials and tribulations
Failed attempts of total happiness it seems

Your love is in sight
While in search of your hopes and dreams
Crystal clear

Seeking by 144Play

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