My Sunrise

by 144Play

Looking into a bright lit sky
Brings a smile upon my face, a twinkle in my eye
Oh, to feel the warm rays of hope
With both hands in my pockets, wondering how we cope

Look at the time nearly two months gone by 
Sailing abroad keeping the peace, we try
Away from the ones we love
Is this the “Honor, Courage, Commitment” we speak of?

Each new day brings the same routine
Make sure the ship is clean
Reveille, breakfast, quarters, looking at the same faces
Announcement:  Sweepers, sweepers in all your spaces

Looking out over the horizon, the sun is about to rest
Our thoughts transfer to love ones, no lest
Magnificent shades of orange and blue
Wondering and hoping are they looking out at the horizon too?

The sun is set and the day is done
Pleasing dreams of a new rising sun
Now I must rest and let the night crew play
In a few hours comes the excitement of a new day

To the crew of the USS Bataan and guests
Come share in my happiness
Take a look out to port; Visualize
My sunrise!

My Sunrise by 144Play

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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