Shouts Of Doubts

by 144Play

I ponder
Searching for this land of promise out yonder
As the sands of time
Slip out of my mind in rhyme
Pulling together all my brothers of color
To grasp this message of success
hidden behind the white door
Many shake in fear
Because the knocks of opportunity we do not hear
Lacking the knowledge
Passed down not necessarily from college
That will allow our people to rise up
And not get high’ed up
On the trumped up charges charged
New cars, stylish clothes while livin’ large
As we spend away our financial freedom no less
Many of us without a permanent address
Stop yelling foul
For we only have thee to blame
that we did not learn as a child
Take a hard look
When was the last time you opened a good book?
Is this my people’s destiny, I shout
Our future clouded with doubt

Shouts Of Doubts by 144Play

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